What is it like to live in a caravan?
Happy Easter everyone!
As you could read in our last post, we have a relatively fixed schedule during the week now, and we spend quite a bit of time inside the caravan.
Before we left the Netherlands, we were not sure what to expect from this kind of life. Would we hate having so little space? Would we get too cold, too hot, be able to keep the caravan and ourselves clean enough?
Fortunately, we love living in such a small space!
Our caravan is about 6 meters long and 2.5 meters wide. That gives us roughly 15 m² for two people and a dog to cook, eat, sleep, shower, use the toilet, work, and just…. live. Yes, that’s about the size of a normal-sized bedroom!
Yes, it is a bit tight, but it works for us as we have several different ‘spaces’ (I would not go as far as calling them rooms) that we can close off with either doors or folding doors.
Let me give you a tour!
Our ‘bedspace’: with our bed (obviously), some overhead cupboards for clothes, and some space at the foot of the bed for storage. We also have some more storage under the bed.

The living area/kitchen: here we have our mini-kitchen with a fridge/freezer, stove, sink, and cupboards. We also have a sofa and dining table. This is also where the entrance is and thus forms our largest space.
Do you see the folding curtain? That’s what I meant. Our bedroom- er, ‘bedspace’ is just behind that.

Our “office”: one of us can sit here to work. We use a foldable table (great for sitting outside in the weekends as well) as a desk and an inflatable ball to sit on. We also have some storage space here and Juna sleeps here at night or when we leave her alone in the caravan.

The bathroom: here, we your regular bathroom stuff but super compact of course. The toilet is in a separate ‘space’ where we can also shower, although we usually just shower in the campsite showers as it’s less messy.

That’s it; that’s our current home! It’s small, but don’t forget that we also spend quite a bit of time outside. We have some comfortable chairs to leave outside and, if we want to at some point, we have a tent that we can attach to the caravan to extend our living space a little.
Thus far we haven’t really felt the need to use it yet though.
And look how much love there can be in such a small space:

Hope you enjoyed that tour! If you’re also wondering what we are doing right now: we are currently in Valencia, but we decided to leave a little earlier than planned: making this our last day here. We love being here, but it’s a little too busy for Juna (she gets scared from so many people) and our internet connection is a bit patchy on this campsite.
Tomorrow we will head to a campsite close to Cambrils, a town just before Tarragona. We will visit a business around there that we hope will inspire us a lot, called Mas Mingall.
We’ll tell you all about it in the next post!

Miguel Vieira
10 April 2023 11:22 PMFinally a tour of the caravan, for the size it looks great and very comfy! Truly looks like a place one can call a house. Have a good trip to Tarragona!
13 April 2023 6:44 PMLooks so cosy! Have a good time at Cambrils 🙂
13 April 2023 10:13 PMThanks Arthur! Changed our plans last-minute so we are leaving Valencia tomorrow actually 😛